Saturday, July 17, 2010

Are you alarmed? don't be....

These days it seems all we hear is bad news. From suicide bombings to natural disasters, the list is endless. But perhaps the most alarming for me is the blatant attack on the body of Christ and our Christian faith.

You see it everywhere, in music, movies, in the news and even in the church.
False prophets and satanic priests teaching false doctrines, misleading people and leading souls to hell.

The devil and his agents in Hollywood having a field day as they use the media to make a mockery of Jesus, King of Kings & Lord of Lords.

Are you alarmed at the way sin is now being celebrated and righteousness is being mocked?.
How homosexuality and all sorts of sexual immorality is on the increase?
How Christians are mocked, persecuted and intimidated for their faith, why satanists, occultists and so on are glorified?
How our churches and Ministers are no longer preaching the true, unabridged Gospel anymore, instead are only interested in money, power & fame?
How even God's elect seem to be falling away and getting sucked into the deception that is the world today?

All these my dears, are signs that the 2nd Coming of Christ or the Rapture if you will, is close!

You see, my brothers and sisters in Christ, every word in your Bible is true. Every word spoken by God through His prophets and His son,Jesus millenia ago, have and will surely come to pass. ''Heaven and Earth will pass away, but my Words will by no means pass away'' Matt 24:35 NKJV.

The Word says, the deception in the last days will be so great, that even the elect will fall...
Now you don't need a soothsayer to tell you that we are in the last days, the signs are everywhere.

''Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures till the end shall be saved''. Matt 24:11-13. NKJV.

Brethren, I don't want to write too much today, so i'll stop here. Let us not be afraid of all that we see and hear around us. The only way to avoid getting sucked into the temptation & deception of the world, is to be firmly rooted in God's word. Read your Bible, study it, meditate on it. Surround yourself with true believers who will build your faith.

The Word says the hearts of men will fail,because of fear of all that will happen on the earth, but Jesus is saying to us, 'do not be alarmed, do not be afraid; 'when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth near!'' Luke 21:28

Hallelujah!!! Shalom!!!