Friday, October 15, 2010

Using Protection...

As Christians we are constantly been bombarded with images, doctrines, ideologies e.t.c that confuse and sometimes shake our faith.

Some time ago, I had struggles with my faith. I had been reading some stuff I shouldn't have and at vulnerable moments, doubt would come.

There was a time when I began to believe some of that stuff and doubt the Love and Power of God. Only then I didn't know it.

Then I retraced my steps. I was praying & worshiping one day all alone in my room and I felt His touch. I instantly asked for His forgiveness and mercies. The funny thing is that this doubt did not come when I lost someone dear to me, when I was experiencing great pain. No. It came when life was stable and I was comfortable. I guess that's why people say it's only in bad times that we remember God. lol.

Brethren, there is so much deception in the world today from pop culture to political correctness & incorrectness and the worst of it is coming from false prophets in the Church.
Jesus said in Mark 13:22, For false christs and false prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive if possible, even the elect.

We hear all kinds of doctrines and teachings these days that are so convincing and confusing at the same time. Astrology, Materialism, Liberalism e.t.c have all been mixed with the Gospel + the doctrines and theories been thrown about by those outside the church, all these leaves us wondering which path is right.
We may ask ourselves, 'are the atheists right?', 'are the Gay rights activists right?', 'Was the Bible really written by one man?(some say St. Paul),'Did Jesus ever exist?', 'Is He really coming back?''Are Christians lunatics?' and gradually, we start slipping. Falling away or backsliding doesn't happen over night, it happens gradually. It begins with a seed of doubt and that seed is watered and it eventually grows.

The path is narrow & its so easy to veer off that path without knowing it. He that thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. 1stCor. 10:12 (NKJ).

So how do we as Christians protect ourselves and maintain our salvation?. above all taking the SHIELD of FAITH with which you will be able to quench the fiery darts of the evil one. Eph6:16 (NKJ).

The answer is FAITH. How do we get this shield that is our faith? Faith cometh by hearing, hearing by the Word of God. Rom 10:17 NKJ.

This means, first of all we need to study and study the Word and HEAR from the Spirit of God. Reading alone is not enough, we need to hear as well. It is by hearing from Him that we learn and build our faith. This is the protection that we need against the deception in these last days.
The Word of God is the protection that we need. Shalom!
(I will write more on the Armor of God later and explain the shield of faith in depth).

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tears in my eyes...

I have tears in my eyes when I think of Jesus.

When I try to comprehend how much He loves me.

When I think of the pain, shame, suffering He felt on the way to Calvary.

When I think of His Precious Blood & how it cleanses me over and over again.

When I worry about how much my hair is breaking and I remember that the King of Kings and Lord of Lords knows how many strands fell of my head. Me! little, unimportant me! 'WHO AM I THAT YOU ARE SO MINDFUL OF ME?'

When I remember that Jesus has got my back! and He'll never leave me nor forsake me.

When I feel unworthy to come before His throne, He gently reminds me to 'come boldly to the throne of Grace'

When my soul is weary and I wonder how much longer I can go on, He reminds me that 'His Grace is sufficient enough for me'

The tears in my eyes are tears of Joy, Awe, Gratitude,Appreciation and most of all Love.

I Love you Jesus and these tears are for You. Thank You for Calvary, for Your Blood, for Salvation , for Your Love.

Thank You Jesus for loving me. Thank You!

I believe...

I believe in God....

I believe Jesus died and rose after 3days.....

I believe that God answers prayers....

I believe in miracles....

I believe in the saving power of His love....

I believe there is life after death.....

I believe He holds me through the pain...

I believe in His love. His mercy. His Grace....

I believe He is coming back for us....

I believe He loves everyone, no matter who....

I Believe His Blood washes me clean....

I believe......

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

sorry... sorry i've been missing from the 'blogosphere'..............
..............................had some issues.................................
..............................but am back now.................................

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Are you alarmed? don't be....

These days it seems all we hear is bad news. From suicide bombings to natural disasters, the list is endless. But perhaps the most alarming for me is the blatant attack on the body of Christ and our Christian faith.

You see it everywhere, in music, movies, in the news and even in the church.
False prophets and satanic priests teaching false doctrines, misleading people and leading souls to hell.

The devil and his agents in Hollywood having a field day as they use the media to make a mockery of Jesus, King of Kings & Lord of Lords.

Are you alarmed at the way sin is now being celebrated and righteousness is being mocked?.
How homosexuality and all sorts of sexual immorality is on the increase?
How Christians are mocked, persecuted and intimidated for their faith, why satanists, occultists and so on are glorified?
How our churches and Ministers are no longer preaching the true, unabridged Gospel anymore, instead are only interested in money, power & fame?
How even God's elect seem to be falling away and getting sucked into the deception that is the world today?

All these my dears, are signs that the 2nd Coming of Christ or the Rapture if you will, is close!

You see, my brothers and sisters in Christ, every word in your Bible is true. Every word spoken by God through His prophets and His son,Jesus millenia ago, have and will surely come to pass. ''Heaven and Earth will pass away, but my Words will by no means pass away'' Matt 24:35 NKJV.

The Word says, the deception in the last days will be so great, that even the elect will fall...
Now you don't need a soothsayer to tell you that we are in the last days, the signs are everywhere.

''Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures till the end shall be saved''. Matt 24:11-13. NKJV.

Brethren, I don't want to write too much today, so i'll stop here. Let us not be afraid of all that we see and hear around us. The only way to avoid getting sucked into the temptation & deception of the world, is to be firmly rooted in God's word. Read your Bible, study it, meditate on it. Surround yourself with true believers who will build your faith.

The Word says the hearts of men will fail,because of fear of all that will happen on the earth, but Jesus is saying to us, 'do not be alarmed, do not be afraid; 'when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth near!'' Luke 21:28

Hallelujah!!! Shalom!!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Good enough for Heaven?

Before I start, it is important for me to mention that the word ‘HEAVEN’ has been used to describe so many things, places and events. For e.g., we read in the book of Genesis, that,’ In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth’. This is probably why some of St. Paul’s letters mention wars in the heavenlies and we hear people talk about 2nd heaven, 3rd heaven e.t.c.

Also, heaven in everyday English is used to describe a state of bliss, pure joy e.t.c. But for the purpose of this post, am going to be talking about the Heaven where God dwells with His saints.

First of all, where or what is Heaven? A lot of people can answer that one. ‘Oh, that’s easy. Heaven is where good people go when they die’. Wrong!!!

Before I go further, let’s look at what the Scriptures say about Heaven. ‘But I say to you, do not swear at all: neither by heaven, for it is God’s throne;’ Matt 5:34 (NKJV).

So first point, Heaven is God’s throne. You know what a throne means right? In earthly terms, a throne is that seat which a king or queen seats on.

In all the books I’ve read on heaven, books written by men & women whom Jesus had given the rare privilege of seeing the other sides of eternity, heaven & hell, almost always described heaven as a place of indescribable beauty, which human words cannot adequately capture.
We also know that the streets of heaven are paved with gold! See that, gold! Pure gold that shines like polished glass! Wow! Rev 21:21. (NKJV).

Jesus also describes heaven as His father’s house.'In my father’s house, there are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself; that where I am that you may be also’. John 14:2-3 (NKJV).

So by now we know that heaven is God’s throne and that Jesus is preparing many mansions for His children and also that He WILL SURELY COME AGAIN TO TAKE US HOME TO BE WITH HIM. I think this last Bible portion explains a lot.

So how do we get to this Heaven? This place where Jesus is preparing many mansions for His children? This place of joy, eternal rest and indescribable beauty?

The world says when a ‘good’ person dies, they go to heaven or heaven is a place where ‘good’ people go when they die. So if goodness will get me to heaven, how good must I become before I can get there? The truth is we will never be good enough. ‘For there is not a just man upon the earth, that doeth good and sinneth not’. Ecc 7:20. (KJV).

As humans, we have our definitions of goodness and this varies depending on where you stand and what your beliefs are. For instance, a suicide bomber believes that by blowing himself up at a wedding he is doing an act of goodness, but you may say ’how can such a person be described as good?’ Being ‘good’ as the world describes it cannot save us, for the bible says,’ all our righteousness are like filthy rags before Him’.

So how can I get to heaven? Simple answer, by being SAVED. This means deliverance from sin and eternal damnation. Because surely as there is heaven so there is hell, where the souls of the eternally damned languish forever in sorrow. So who can save me? Only JESUS. ‘Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved’. Acts4 :12. (NKJV).

So we can see that being pious, law-abiding, tax-paying, kind, loving, giving (not that these are bad) will not save anyone, for it is not by works but by His mercy. ‘Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy, He saved us’. Titus 3:5 (KJV).

So brethren, we can see that only Jesus can save, because He paid the ultimate price for all our sins, by shedding His blood at Calvary, ‘And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no remission’. Heb 9:22 (NKJV).

Don’t listen to the lie from the pit of hell that says, ‘there are many paths to God’. That is a big lie that is leading so many souls astray! Jesus says, ‘I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH & THE LIFE, no one comes to the Father (God), except through me’. John 4:6 (NKJV).

This means saints cannot save us, angels cannot save us, Pastors, priests, ministers cannot save us. Only Jesus can. Confess Him today. Ask Him to come and be Lord of your life. Tell him to wash you with His blood and save you. He cares and He listens. Jesus is Lord! Shalom!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

When it hurts...

So many of us are familiar with the Kirk Franklin song, 'My Life Is In Your Hands'. That song has ministered to me so many times, on so many occasions when I just wanted to give up. But somehow when I hear that song, even if the feeling doesn't  go away immediately, I feel better.

My favourite lines are ''joy comes in the morning, troubles they don't last always,  for there is a FRIEND in JESUS, who will WIPE YOUR TEARS AWAY...'

You see no matter who you are in life, you must face trials. Some trials are tougher than others, but tough nonetheless. Sometimes it gets so tough, you just want to give up.  Maybe someone hurt you deeply or you made a mistake that keeps haunting you. 

Sometimes we grieve and we mourn and we feel as if God has forgotten us,  but  I can assure you that He hasn't.

Sometimes we face failures, disappointments,discouragement. We may feel heartbroken, rejected or unloved.
But isn't it amazing that we have a God who understands and cares?

He holds your hand and lifts you up when you fall.

He carries you in His arms when your strength has failed you.

He walks beside you when you feel you are alone.

He gently guides you when you are confused.

He mourns with you, rejoices with you.

He gives you the Grace to go through trials, because He knows they will make you stronger.

I can go on and on, you see, Jesus is the friend that sticks closer than a brother. He would still have gone to the Cross even if you were the only one on earth.

JESUS LOVES YOU...  no matter what you've done, no matter how far you've gone from Him. He is always there with His arms open wide. When we take a step towards Him, He takes 10 towards us.

 God loves unconditionally.  This means that, you don't have to fulfill any obligations or requirements for Him to love you.

''But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us'' Romans 5:8 (NKJV).  

Isn't it great?! that we serve and worship a God who loves us so much!!!

So remember, when it hurts, Jesus is always there, He is the Balm of Gilead. He who has loved us with an everlasting love.
''Heavenly Father, I thank you that you are always there for me. Through the darkest nights and the fiercest storms you are there. Lord Jesus, help me remember each day that you died for me. Lord I commit my pain, my struggles, my trials into your hands. I ask that you strengthen me and heal me. Dear Jesus, you are the Balm of Gilead and you are Jehovah Rapha my healer. Touch me Lord and make me whole. Amen''

Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers, Amen!


Monday, May 10, 2010

Are you different?

What did Abraham, David, Daniel, Joseph, Esther,Elijah, Enoch and some many of the great men and women in the Bible have in common?

They were not all prophets neither were they magicians. They did not possess superpowers, but they were ordinary men and women who chose to be different.

They lived their lives not by what society expected of them, but by what God expected of them.

They didn't live their lives following trends or trying hard to fit in. They lived for God.

Granted they had limitations, shortcomings and some of them had unsavory pasts, but that didn't deter them from following the call of God and fulfilling their destinies.

King David coveted Uriah's wife Bathsheba and because of that he had him killed. He broke three commandments at once. When God rebuked him through the prophet Nathan, he immediately accepted his wrongdoings and sought God's forgiveness.

Moses was running from Egypt because he had committed murder, he was in the desert as a fugitive when God called him, through the burning bush.

Peter denied Jesus 3 times, but he accepted he was wrong and Jesus forgave him.

My point is that, God is not looking for perfect people to use, because none is perfect. He is looking for those who are not afraid of being different and not afraid of standing out from the crowd. Those who dare to be different. Because when you walk in obedience to God, you will be seen as foolish, stupid or uncool.

God has not made us to be replicas of others, He didn't make us to spend all our lives conforming and fitting into the world's standards.

It is sad that Christians who should be the light of this dark and perverse world are busy compromising and living in blatant disregard of God's laws.

Just because the world sees fornication as normal, doesn't mean it is in the eyes of God.

Are you different? Are you that person that strives to live their life not according to what the world thinks, but according to His commands.

Its not easy. Trust me, I know. But in Christianity all we do is by the grace of God.

Back then in school, there were students who never copied anyone's work or showed anyone theirs. We mocked them, but now I know that they were right.

It doesn't matter how far you've gone or how hard you've fallen, Jesus is always there for you. Pray to Him today. He hears and He's waiting.


Dear Jesus, I want to be different. I know you made me different for a purpose & that purpose is to serve you. Holy Spirit, come and guide me and give me the grace to be different. Empower me to live my life not by what the world expects, but by your commandments. Jesus, draw me closer to you and remind me each day that I will face you one day & give account of my life before you. Lord Jesus, I remember and appreciate your sacrifice for me on the Cross. Thank you for your blood and thank you for dying for me. Amen.

Till next time. Shalom!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

God & Me

God: Are u ok?

Me: Am fine.

God: No, u're not. you are angry.

Me: Why did you ask, when you already know?
You know everything, but u still ask.

God: I ask, because I care.

Me: Well, as you already know, I've been feeling really down lately.
sometimes am angry, sometimes am depressed and sometimes am just not happy.
seems like am forgetting how to be happy, and it scares me, bcos am to young to feel like this.


Me: Won't you say anything?


God: You know something my child?

Me: No...

God: You feel this way, bcos your attention is on the wrong things.

Me: *sigh* I know, but i just can't help it.
I don't want to sound ungrateful, but sometimes i look at some people and i feel as if they have it all...

God: Do want to be a happy person?

Me: yes i do.

God: Here are a few things I want you to know.

Stop looking at people and comparing yourself with them
remember, ''You are fearfully and wonderfully made'' PSALM 139;14

don't let the world's standard for success confuse you with my standards, for
''what shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?'' MARK 8;36
when you feel distracted by your need to succeed, remember to
''seek first the Kingdom of God, and HIS righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you'' MATT 6;33

My child, I have given my children everything that they need to live happy and fulfilled lives, but look at the world today, there's so much pain and
unhappiness around.

Do you know why? bcos men have rejected Me and My commandments.
They live to satisfy their selfish desires.
''God is Love'' 1JOHN4;8, if only my children will learn to love one another as I have taught.

If only they would look to the Cross and my son Jesus for their salvation.
''Nor is there salvation in any other, for, there is no name under heaven given among men by which men must be saved'' ACTS 4;12
My child, the path to true happiness and eternal life lies in the Bible.
Everything you need to guide you in life is contained in that Book.
''All scripture is given by inspiration of GOD and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,for correction, for instruction in righteousness'' 2TIM 3;16

Meditate on it, read it, keep it close to your heart. Especially now that the enemy is working round the clock to destroy lives and souls.
In this age of deception, even in the church, you need My word to stand firm and not fall.
''For the word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart''. HEB4;12.

Me: Thank you God! thank you for the Cross, I thank you for your son Jesus. I thank you for His blood. I praise you.

God: You are welcome. and never forget how much I love you and all of mankind.
tell them about the Gospel, tell them that my son is coming soon and He is bringing everyman's reward with Him. Tell them, that money, fame, beauty, power cannot save. Tell them only the name of Jesus can. Tell my children that are in my vineyard, to stand firm and keep working and spreading the gospel, for their rewards await them.

Me: Yes Lord, I will.

To anybody, who may eventually see this, Heaven is real and so is hell. The only one that can save our souls and guarantee eternal life, is He that died on the cross of calvary. Jesus. It doesn't matter who you are or what you've done There's no sin too great for God to forgive. Don't listen to the devil as he says, its to late, God will never forgive you. ITS A LIE! God's arms are always open wide to those who seek Him. put aside all your cares and drop them at the foot of the cross.
Even if u used to know Him and you've moved far away from Him, don't let guilt push you farther away, retrace your steps, He is waiting.

If you want to accept Jesus as your Saviour and you want His peace that surpasses all understanding, say this prayer with all sincerity,
''Lord Jesus, I admit and accept that I am a sinner. I acknowledge that I need you in my life and I am lost without you. Forgive me all my sins, wash me with your blood that was shed on the cross of calvary for my sake. Lord Jesus, i acknowledge that you have the power to save my soul from eternal damnation, Jesus come into my heart and become my Lord and Saviour. I confess and forsake all my sins and I believe that by your blood, I have been made new. Thank you Jesus, for erasing my name from the book of death and writing it, in the Lamb's book of life. Thank you Jesus, for saving me''.
Now that you have said this prayer, Congrats!!! you are a new creature and old things are passed away!
Now, it is important to note that you now have to spend more time reading the Bible, you have to find a group of true believers that you should worship with, in order to build your faith. Also,pray, talk with God, He is always there and He listens.
It might not be easy at first, putting aside old habits, but you shall overcome by the Grace of God.

God bless you!!! Shalom!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


My head is blocked!

am suffering from bloggers

had all these thots and ideas in my head, bt now i sit down to write and i can't find them..

maybe i should just sleep or read my bible...

oh dear!, this won't do...

i got to make this blog interesting, what do i do? :(

i know wat i'll do!!! i'll make it less about me ,cos my life is boring (duh, we know that)...


oh dear....

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

So I convocated....

On Saturday, the 6th day of March 2010, I convocated...

Throughout my stay in FUTO, i thought the day would never come, oddly when it came, i wasn't thrilled. Why?. I don't know...

I barely spent 45mins on the school grounds before I left and it had nothing to do with the fact that my feet hurt in my new shoes, the sun was scorching and the whole affair was rowdy and chaotic.

I took pictures with only 5 people that day, mum, dad, my 2 uncles and my roommate...

So the question is: Now what? 

NYSC? ( not thrilled about that), Marriage? ( hmmm, not now abeg), Masters(*sigh*)

Well, whatever the future holds for me, i've decided to be happy, cos we all know dat Life is short...

well that's all for now...


My First Post!!!

At this point, I really don't know what i'll be blogging about, but i'll take each day as it comes.

One thing I know for sure is that i'll def. be blogging about anything,  life, love(of course), my country, the battle of the sexes( always a hot one), etc...

So stay connected and don't forget to leave your comments... :)